Monday, May 2, 2011

Featured patient review for Cottingham Orthodontics!

Check out what one of our wonderful patients, Sarah, wrote recently about Dr. Cottingham and our office! Thanks for writing in and for the kind words, Sarah! You have a wonderful smile!

I used to be self conscious about my smile. My two front teeth imitated the image of a beaver, and were largely proportional to my other facial features. Since the time I began being a patient in Dr. Cottingham’s office, I have gone through; two sets of braces, headgear, and a herpst appliance. Although it was a long process, the final product made everything worth it! I am currently a senior at Tri-West High School, and was voted “Best Smile” from my class. To me, this award is more than just a senior tradition. To me, this award illustrates how much Dr. Cottingham has really helped me transform into the person I am today. When I started high school I was self conscious about the train tracks on my teeth. Next fall, when I attend Purdue University, I will walk around campus with a confident smile. I will never be able to put in words how much I appreciate Dr. Cottingham’s work. She’s a great orthodontist, and her staff is equally fantastic.

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