Thursday, July 8, 2010

Welcome, Dr. Mitchell!

Indianapolis orthodontist Dr. Karen Cottingham routinely invites new orthodontists from around the region into her practice to allow them the opportunity to see an established practice in action. It helps the new orthodontist understand how a practice operates and how staff members interact with patients. It also gives them the chance to ask questions and seek advice from an experienced orthodontist. Dr. Cottingham is proud to have another orthodontist—Dr. Morgan Mitchell from Prospect, Kentucky—observe her practice in action next week.

Dr. Cottingham enjoys having others observe her practice, such as high school students looking to fulfill career day requirements. Many times, these students have an interest in dentistry or orthodontics and want to learn more about it. On many occasions, these students are patients of Dr. Cottingham. She has also had college students and dental students in her practice, as well as anyone interested in specializing in the ever-exciting world of orthodontics.

We look forward to seeing Dr. Mitchell! If you’re in for an appointment next week, be sure to say hi to her!

If you have thought about observing a caring, lighthearted and smart practice at work, we invite you to join us for day. Please give us a call for more information!

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